STEMCOE offers ongoing professional development on new and innovative pedagogies allowing teachers to continue to learn, connect with experts, and feel supported in their attempts.
Institutions must prepare their students for careers of tomorrow by fostering and perpetuating enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. STEMCOE’s Certifications provides institutions as well as programs within institutions a research-based framework and criteria for their continuous improvement and assessment of the quality, rigor and substance of their STEM educational programs. STEMCOE’s standards and indicators clearly define the qualities and components vital to creating and sustaining superior, student-centered STEM teaching and learning programs, as well as clear expectations for student outcomes and mastery of 21st century skills.
Our experts can provide you with the tools and knowledge to sustain your STEM Programs by offering:

STEM Lab management

Training - STEMCOE utilizes the 3 Cs (Customize, Create and Challenge) to create a learning environment which enables teachers to challenge students. We instruct educational professionals on the latest trends in STEM learning and incorporate the individual considerations of each professional. STEMCOE trains teachers on the ground and internationally including a 3-week U.S. Based STEM training and certification provided by Georgia Southern University and STEMCOE.
STEMCOE Certifications - Through valid and reliable processes, tools and training, STEMCOE’s STEM Certification ensures that even the most effective educators and programs continually assess and improve to meet the needs and demands of the real world.
STEM Lab management - STEM labs needs extra attention, mainly due to the integration component of Science, Engineering & Technology. STEMCOE labs are equipped with modern gadgets to work on robots and artificial intelligence projects. Lab maintenance is a part of the annual contract and includes 24/7 tech support.